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About Me

I am a driven software developer experienced in using React, Node, Express, and Postgres to build modern, full-stack web apps. Always curious, always seeking growth and improvement, I am a strong communicator and an effective collaborator who strives to implement simple yet elegant solutions to complex problems.

Outside of work I spend my time cooking, climbing, and spending time in woods. In all that I do, professional and otherwise, I aspire for the results my efforts to be simple and functional.



Screenshot of climbr app

Built for climbers looking to grow their community and find partners to climb with. This app implements a swipeable interface. Once a match is made users will be able to chat to plan their next outdoor adventure.

Built with React, Node, Express, JWT, Postgres, HTML5 and CSS3

Budget App

Screenshot of budget app

Gain control of your money! This app allows users to track their spending by adding transactions to self-defined accounts and classifying said transactions via self-defined categories and subcategories.

Built with React, Node, Express, JWT, Postgres, HTML5 and CSS3

Cafe Search App

Screenshot of cafe search app

Find cafes near you! Allows users to search by current or custom location.

Built with JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3

Quiz App

Screenshot of quiz app

Simple quiz application that prompts users through ten questions, providing feedback after each answer.

Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery